Sunday, September 15th Tweens (students in grades 4-6) got digital when
they played with a makey-makey kit (shown above). The kit includes several wires which hook
into the motherboard and then can be attached to anything that conducts
electricity (metal paper clips, coins, etc.)
There is also a USB cable which can be plugged into your computer where
you can use the makey makey as a remote control for games or to play the piano
the makey makey works is that each spot on the motherboard performs a different
function that a traditional keyboard would (space key, arrow keys, etc). For
example, when you hook the wire into the space key hole on the motherboard and
attach the other end of the wire into something that conducts electricity,
instead of pressing the space bar on the computer, you simply press onto the
wire that is attached to the object and the command of the space bar will come
to life!
We tried
several metal objects and pencil rubbings, and then I brought out some edible
treats including carrots, gummy worms and apples to see if they would work with
the makey makey. To the tweens surprise,
these edible treats worked and allowed them to play the piano by using
these objects instead of the space bar and arrow key commands on a traditional
On Saturday,
October 19th @ 3pm, another tween program, Halloween Fun will take place. Scary stories will be
shared and we’ll be making some icky eats!
To find out information about tween programs or to register please call the
library @ 732-583-9100 or email us at maplkids@lmxac.org!
Tweens using the computer to set up the makey makey.
Tween experimenting with an apple, will it work with the makey
makey kit?
This post was written by Library Intern, Dennis.
This post was written by Library Intern, Dennis.