Monday, April 12, 2010

May Calendar of Events

Our May calendar of events for Children is now available. Registration for May programs will begin on Thursday, April 15th. There is still room left in some of our April programs too!

Budget Cuts: Update

The Matawan-Aberdeen Public Library is now joining with many other libraries in a statewide advocacy to restore library funding to the state budget. Orange postcards are available to fill out to oppose the reduction in funding. On your next visit, please fill out an orange postcard at either the circulation desk or the children's desk. You can even add a message on the back if you'd lile. Then, we'll send all of the postcards together to legislators. For more information on the budget cuts, or to email your legislator, please visit Save My Library NJ.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Library Budget Cuts

Due to budget cuts presented in the governor's budget address, library funding has been cut by 74%. This means that libraries are in serious danger of offering fewer services including programming, inter-library loans, and internet service. To find out how to help restore funding or find out more information about these proposed budget cuts, go to Save My Library NJ.